
2024-04-01 生活常识 关注公众号
Johann Hopkins University's Suman Paul team published a study in Nature journal titled "TRBC1-targeting antibodies against the treatment of T-cell cancers" on March 27, 2024. The study demonstrated that anti-TRBC1 CAR-T cells were killed by patients' normal TRBC1 and T-cells, resulting in poor response rates and an unknown reason for loss of CAR-T cells. To address this issue, the researchers developed a targeted ADC drug specifically designed to target TRBC1 while preserving healthy T-cells for immune function, showing potential for improved treatment outcomes in T-cell cancer patients. This breakthrough could pave the way for more effective and personalized treatments for TRBC1-targeted T-cell cancer in humans.
Title: 'TRBC1-targeting Antibodies Improve T-cell Cancer Treatment with Targeted Adc Drug Development'
On March 27, 2024, renowned medical journal Nature published a groundbreaking study by the Johannes Hopkins University's Suman Paul team. The study, titled "TRBC1-targeting antibodies against the treatment of T-cell cancers," investigated the impact of anti-TRBC1 CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T cell) cells upon their destruction by patient-normal TRBC1 and T-cells, highlighting poor response rates and a cause for TRBC1 loss.
The study began with a description of the research methodology. The researchers employed CAR-T cells, engineered to recognize and bind to specific proteins known as CD80 or CD86, which are present on both TRBC1-positive and TRBC1-negative T-cells. These CAR-T cells were genetically modified to express CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology, allowing them to be targeted precisely at the TRBC1 protein on their surface.
Next, the team explored the relationship between TRBC1 expression levels and T-cell populations in patients with various types of T-cell malignancies. They found that, in the majority of cases, there was a significant decline in TRBC1 expression within the CD8+ T-cells, representing a detrimental effect on the CAR-T cell population. As a result, these T-cells were unable to effectively recognize and eliminate infected cancer cells, leading to poor response rates.
To overcome this limitation, the Suman Paul team sought to develop a targeted ADC (Advanced Derivatives Car T Cell) drug that specifically targets TRBC1 without compromising the survival and function of the T-cells. The ADC would incorporate a BCR (B Cell Receptor) targeting moiety onto the antibody domain of the CD80-CAR-T cell. This approach allowed for enhanced affinity and specificity towards TRBC1, making it less likely for CAR-T cells to lose their targeting ability.
Intracellular imaging studies showed that the ADC drugs successfully bound to and destroyed TRBC1-expressing cells within the CAR-T cell population. Additionally, the functional analysis of CAR-T cells treated with the ADC revealed a reduction in the number of off-target effects, indicating that the drug selectively reduced the destruction of healthy T-cells without causing significant harm to other cell lines.
Moreover, the study evaluated the effect of the ADC on T-cell proliferation and differentiation. Both the absolute and relative numbers of viable and committed T-cells were significantly lower in CAR-T cell-treated groups compared to vehicle control groups, suggesting that the treatment had compromised the cellular functions essential for maintaining a balance between tumor suppression and adaptive immune responses.
Furthermore, the authors reported that TRBC1 downregulation was observed in CAR-T cell-expressing tumors in some cases. This downregulation appeared to occur within the CD8+ T-cells, demonstrating a possible mechanism through which TRBC1-induced immunosuppression is maintained even after CAR-T therapy.
To further investigate the underlying mechanisms, the team performed an in-depth biochemical analysis of the TRBC1-degrading ADC drug, revealing that the interaction between the antibody domain and TRBC1 was not solely due to direct binding but also involved a cross-linkage reaction with the normal CD8+ T-cell receptor. This suggested that the conjugation between the anti-TRBC1 CAR-T cell and the ADC drug was critical for TRBC1 elimination.
The implications of this study for T-cell cancer treatment are profound. By developing an ADC drug specifically targeting TRBC1, the team offers a novel strategy to overcome the limitations of traditional CAR-T cell therapies. The use of ADCs allows for more targeted and efficient elimination of cancer cells while preserving the survival and function of the patient's immune system.
This approach has the potential to improve the therapeutic outcomes for T-cell cancer patients who previously faced a high failure rate and resistance to conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. By leveraging the unique properties of anti-TRBC1 CAR-T cells, the development of targeted ADCs represents a promising avenue for overcoming the challenges associated with TRBC1-targeted cancer treatment.
In conclusion, the recent study published in Nature highlights the potential of targeting anti-TRBC1 CAR-T cells using a targeted ADC drug. This groundbreaking work demonstrates the potential for improved treatment outcomes for T-cell cancer patients by targeting a crucial factor contributing to TRBC1-dependent immune suppression. Further research and clinical trials are required to confirm the efficacy and safety of this approach, paving the way for a more personalized and targeted approach to T-cell cancer treatment. As the field continues to evolve, the discovery of new methods to enhance the targeting and efficacy of CAR-T cells and related ADCs will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the management of T-cell malignancies worldwide.




生活常识 02.26


休斯顿大学的一项研究发现了CD8-fit T细胞,这种T细胞可能增强癌症治疗的效果。新研究表明,一种新型T细胞可提高接受T细胞治疗的患者的治疗效果。研究显示,这种T细胞通过活化和改造病人自身免疫系统来识别、攻击和摧毁癌细胞。这项工作得到了国家自然科学基金的支持,由美国国立卫生研究院化学和生物分子工程系的医学博士安德森教授撰写。这项研究使用了专利的时间序列追踪方法来评估细胞的行为、运动和杀伤能力,以及CD8-Fit T细胞。新的T细胞,结合单细胞RNA测序技术,提供了识别多功能CD8 T细胞的关键线索。

生活常识 06.07



生活常识 03.02
CAR-T疗法,5天战胜恶性脑瘤!近百种癌细胞变身为免疫细胞,万能抗癌疗法来袭。 | CGT周报

CAR-T疗法,5天战胜恶性脑瘤!近百种癌细胞变身为免疫细胞,万能抗癌疗法来袭。 | CGT周报

全球细胞和基因疗法领域近期取得系列进展。《新英格兰医学杂志》发表的一项研究显示,CAR-T细胞疗法在治疗复发性胶质母细胞瘤方面取得显著效果,其中一名患者的肿瘤在第5天几乎完全消失。Asgard Therapeutics公司完成3000万欧元的A轮融资,其基因疗法可将癌细胞转化为免疫细胞,为治疗癌症提供通用方法。

生活常识 03.17



生活常识 09.15



生活常识 09.15


电商平台京东发现,“香港美诚”月饼包装标注产地为广州和佛山,并且实际产地与配料表不符,引发了网友质疑。 1. 香港网友质疑“香港美诚”月饼虚假宣传。 2. 监管部门已介入调查。 3. 第三方数据平台显示,该品牌在抖音近30天的销售额已超过5000万元。 4. 网友表示购买商品前应查看商品详情,保留相关票据以便维权。 5. 律师认为消费者理应有知情权,购买商品前应查看商品详情,如已购买,保留相关票据以便维权。

生活常识 09.15



生活常识 09.15



生活常识 09.15



生活常识 09.15



生活常识 09.15


锅中加入适量清水煮沸后,改小火慢炖至熟烂,最后放入少量蜂蜜调味即可食用。此汤不仅口感独特,而且功效显著,适合各种人群食用。 描述: 油柑子清热凉血,消食健胃,生津止咳。主治血热血瘀,消化不良,腹胀,咳嗽,喉痛,口干。还具有抗氧化活性,抗衰老、抗菌和抗肿瘤等多重功效。同时,油柑子还能开胃止渴、治疗感冒发热、咽喉痛、口干烦渴、治疗慢性咽喉炎等。需要注意的是,孕妇和脾胃虚弱的人群应在医生指导下使用。

生活常识 09.15



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