
2024-03-29 热点资讯 关注公众号
苹果计划在6月WWDC期间推出一款AI应用商店,该商店将囊括各类AI应用,如Google旗下的ChatGPT和Microsoft的Cortana等,同时,苹果还会推荐其自家APP到必装清单中。苹果CEO库克表示,即将在WWDC上展示引入AI元素的新系统和软件,并可能涵盖Siri在内的语音助手升级。此外,苹果还公布了一篇论文《MM1: Methods, Analysis & Insights from Multimodal LLM Pre-training》详细介绍了其在AI领域的研发成果。预计该商店将于Apple iOS 18引入增强的上下文学习、多图像推理等功能,而手机端本地运行的大模型参数量最高可达70亿,这一突破性的举措有望吸引开发者利用AI潜力丰富应用体验。随着AI技术的不断发展,它将成为推动移动应用发展的重要推动力,让新的应用场景和商业模式得以涌现。
Apple May Launch AI App Store: A Revolutionary Step in Mobile Application Development
The latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have significantly impacted the landscape of mobile application development, particularly with Apple set to introduce an innovative new store platform called 'Apple AI app store' during the upcoming WWDC conference on June 13, 2023. The store is expected to house a vast array of AI-powered applications that compete with Google's ChatGPT and Microsoft's Cortana, as well as Apple's own suite of apps, including Siri, the company's iconic voice-activated personal assistant.
Apple CEO, Tim Cook, has expressed his excitement about showcasing the integration of AI elements into its systems and software during the WWDC event. He revealed that this is a significant milestone for the company, not only in terms of its commitment to innovation but also in expanding its presence within the AI ecosystem. According to Cook, the Apple AI app store will serve as a comprehensive hub for developers who want to harness the power of AI to create cutting-edge apps that cater to various user needs.
One key feature of the Apple AI app store is its emphasis on contextual learning, allowing users to interact with their devices in specific environments or settings. This involves integrating AI algorithms into existing applications, enabling them to adapt and learn from user behavior and preferences over time. The new app store is likely to provide enhanced support for various scenarios such as shopping, education, entertainment, healthcare, and more, where context-aware AI-driven experiences can improve the overall user experience.
In addition to contextual learning, the Apple AI app store is expected to incorporate multi-modal language models pre-trained using large-scale machine learning datasets like MM1, which represents a significant achievement in the field of multimodal language processing. These models enable applications to understand multiple languages and perform tasks involving natural language understanding, sentiment analysis, and speech recognition with remarkable accuracy. By leveraging these capabilities, developers can build sophisticated applications that leverage AI-generated content, improving the quality and depth of text-based interactions between users and their devices.
Moreover, the Apple AI app store is likely to incorporate enhancements in deep learning and neural networks, such as better image recognition, object detection, and segmentation, to support immersive visual experiences. With the introduction of improved AI-driven augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) tools, developers can create more engaging and interactive apps that push the boundaries of what users can accomplish through digital interfaces.
To further enhance the AI experience on the Apple iOS device, the company is rumored to introduce "enhanced"上下文 learning, which allows apps to learn more about the current user's environment and adjust their functionality accordingly. This could include features like automatically adjusting audio playback speed based on noise levels, adapting to weather conditions, and even providing recommendations for nearby places to eat, shop, or play sports based on user preferences.
Furthermore, the potential for increased parameterization of apps on the Apple iOS device is expected to drive innovation and allow developers to build more complex and specialized AI-driven apps. The maximum capacity for the AI model parameters on the device is currently pegged at 70 billion, making it possible for developers to experiment with more advanced models without compromising the device's performance or battery life. This aggressive level of parameterization is likely to attract developers looking to push the boundaries of AI modeling, creating entirely new categories of apps that can potentially revolutionize industries such as healthcare, finance, and transportation.
Finally, the integration of AI elements into the Apple iOS app store is expected to pave the way for new applications and business models that exploit the power of AI technology to deliver personalized and intuitive experiences. From chatbots and virtual assistants to recommendation engines and intelligent interfaces, developers can explore endless possibilities for incorporating AI into their apps, leading to new opportunities for innovation and growth.
In conclusion, the launch of the Apple AI app store during the WWDC conference marks a major turning point in the realm of mobile application development. By incorporating AI technologies, the new store is poised to provide developers with a comprehensive platform to build immersive, contextually aware, and highly personalized apps that compete with the likes of Google's ChatGPT and Microsoft's Cortana. As AI continues to evolve and mature, the integration of AI into the Apple iOS app store represents an exciting opportunity for developers to push the boundaries of what is possible and create new applications that shape the future of mobile computing.



"Arm Asr 超分辨率技术发布,提升了游戏画面分辨率与帧数并降低了手机功耗,具有广泛支持和认可前景。"

热点资讯 07.14



热点资讯 07.29
华硕ROG游戏手机 9:搭载顶级芯片与AI技术,带来震撼的游戏体验

华硕ROG游戏手机 9:搭载顶级芯片与AI技术,带来震撼的游戏体验

华硕 ROG 游戏专用处理器, 基础版。

热点资讯 10.26



星座运势 04.16
AI驱动的计算时代:为何 Arm CPU仍为基石?
 Arm 资源:推动 AI 计算时代的基石

AI驱动的计算时代:为何 Arm CPU仍为基石? Arm 资源:推动 AI 计算时代的基石

CPU 仍是 AI 加速计算时代的基石。Arm 终端事业部产品管理副总裁James McNiven在大会上指出,无论未来走向何处,ARM CPU 都将是 AI 运行的基础。CPU 在云计算市场的份额巨大,难以被 GPU 替代,这是当前事实。尽管GPU 不能完全取代 CPU,在图像处理、AI加速计算等领域仍有优势,但总体而言,CPU 的通用计算能力仍然是AI领域的核心基石。

热点资讯 11.23



热点资讯 11.23



热点资讯 11.23


卢比奥提名反华政客 卢比奥称愿与美国做伙伴关系 华方官员致函谢锋:愿与美国做伙伴关系 建议中方调整风向 风向并未发生根本变化 面对美国打压,中美关系险峻 美国采取阳奉阴违手法拉拢其他国家 但中方保持开放态度 积极寻求对话

热点资讯 11.23
无条件痛批MLXG,他就是男人都不够优秀? MLXG回应:硬碰硬,我们有我们的尊严!

无条件痛批MLXG,他就是男人都不够优秀? MLXG回应:硬碰硬,我们有我们的尊严!


热点资讯 11.23


分析: 该事件涉及一位王者荣耀视频博主,他在直播过程中选中对手妲己玩家作为“目标”,与队友配合蹂躏并杀死妲己。博主事后故意举报妲己,原因是“故意送人头”,导致妲己战绩为0-70,并受到扣除信誉分的惩罚。事件引发大量玩家不满和声讨,官方也在核实情况后进行相应的补偿和处罚。

热点资讯 11.23


役中非常出色,但最近却被曝出跑路去当陪玩的情况,引发了外界热议。 cube的跑路事件引起了玩家、队伍以及平台的关注,他在文章中公开道歉,并表示之前的行为是他见识浅薄,所以选择退役。虽然cube已经在联盟受到了处罚,但他的行为仍引发了其他粉丝的担忧。总的来说,cube的文章表明他已经认识到自己的错误,并正在积极寻找新的工作机会。

热点资讯 11.23



热点资讯 11.23



热点资讯 11.23


10月,国产汽车市场持续走高,SUV销量喜人。比亚迪宋PLUS新能源夺魁,成为唯一一款销量超过4万辆的SUV车型;特斯拉Model Y虽然销售有所下降,仍位列排行榜第二;奇瑞瑞虎8异军突起,首破2万辆大关。其它车型如长安CS75 Plus、锋兰达、本田CR-V、探岳、途观L等销量均超过1.8万辆,表现出色。哈弗H6销量下滑至32名,凸显国产 SUV市场竞争激烈。

热点资讯 11.23